Yes! Baltic MUPPETS stands for Baltic Mussel Products for Pet-foods. It is a project co-funded by the ERDF Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument (I3) of the European Commission under project number 101083785. The BalticMUPPETS project brings together 13 partners from 5 countries with expertise in multiple sectors of the mussel supply chain, from mussel production to processing, product development, marketing, and financing, among others. It is a three-year project; it started in December 2022 and will be implemented until December 2025.
The Baltic MUPPETS project has an overall aim to demonstrate that it is possible to create a viable business based on Baltic blue mussels that is both profitable and beneficial to the Baltic Sea environment.
The main objective of Baltic MUPPETS is to develop new value chains for small mussels (1-3 cm) from the Baltic Sea for pet food and to develop innovative technologies for farming, harvesting, and processing mussels. The project will enable a new circular economy in the Baltic Sea Region as well as provide support to mussel farmers across Europe to develop, diversify, and scale their existing businesses.
More specifically, Baltic MUPPETS looks to:
Become a partner of the consortium. More info.
Disclaimer: Baltic MUPPETS is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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